Country: Slovakia, Europe
Category: Children 15-18, adults, companies
Year of birth: 1990
Education: Bachelor's degree in psychology, British Council University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations First Certificate
Work experience: 2015-2016 - English teacher at private sector, 2016-2019 - Police officer, now - student of psychology
Hobbies: traveling, singing, playing the piano, books
Teaching experience: 1 year
Teaching with us since: April 2020
Price: € 16 for 50-minute lesson, € 8 for 25-minute lesson

Hi, my name is Maroš. I'm from Slovakia and I'm 29 years old. I study psychology at the University of Trnava. I like music, books, movies, video games and English language. I have British Council University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations First Certificate in B2 level. I teach English in private sector for 1 year.