Country: Slovakia, Europe
Category: children, adults
Year of birth: 1999
Education: Languages, University of Glasgow, Scotland - student
Work experience: online English teacher since 2020
Hobbies: reading, dancing and learning languages, obviously, hah
Teaching experience: less than 1 year, IELTS certificate
Teaching with us since: April 2020
Price per 50-minute lesson: € 10
Price per 25-minute lesson: € 5
Hello. I'm Eva and I'm a language student at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. I study Spanish along with Portuguese and French right now and I could not be happier. I would love to help you on your language journey as I'm on it as well, though with other languages, so I totally get how much work it requires and I admire you for putting yourself out there. To my mind, there's no better way to connect with people than by speaking their language and understanding them through all of the things that revolve around it. I'd love to meet you to conquer English or Spanish together. See you! ¡Nos vemos!