Esity Recommendation Program
What is Esity?
Why become an Esity marketer?
What is the benefit?
The benefit is the solution, the dream - the fulfillment of dreams, the way from point A to point B. The greater the benefit, the lower the price.
We are not only looking for benefits that are motivating but which the future marketer really desires. This is nothing ordinary, it must be something extraordinary, a higher standard.
List of benefits for new marketers:
- higher income (in network marketing there is a 5x higher chance of getting wealthy than in any other type of business or job - according to DSA - Direct Selling Association)
- passive income, financial independence/freedom
- new car, house, vacation, apartment/house furniture
- most millionaires come from network marketing
- the possibility of doing business that is a unique opportunity, a great idea, international (no borders), without investment risk, low-cost, being at the birth of a huge company, a new trend in learning languages with huge potential

- Freelance work (time and space flexibility)
- no salary ceiling
- fair evaluation and career progression based on results
- change of work
- change of environment
- change in life for the better
- new contacts
- good team, good working relationships, positive energy, ambitious people, teamwork
- personality development, soft skills (sales, presentation, communication skills, leadership)
- increasing its price on the labor market
- personality shifts of other people
- we help people learn a new language
- helping people change their lives for the better
- we give people a chance to gain a share of worldwide language learning
- we help people grow personally

How to find out the benefit of your potential marketing team?
When talking about the benefit, we always find WHEN and HOW. (How much extra monthly would you appreciate?)
We do not hurry to determine the benefit but ask additional questions to see if this is the most important benefit.
Your goal is to hear YES. ("What would you say if I had those formula tickets for you? And if it was to Monaco with accommodation? Would you accept the possibility ...?") + Boomerang questions if he asks us something - ask him back the same question.
Use possible questions: not "if I had those tickets, would that be interesting?" But "if I have those tickets, will you go to the movies with me?"
NO: "Would you like... would you like... would that be interesting?
YES: benefit, dream, desire, demand
What do I do when I am an Esity marketer?
- I do business with ESITY.
- I am building an international language company network and will share the profits made there.
- Introducing an international online teaching program.
- I give people the opportunity to get better in a foreign language.
- I have discovered a way in which I can earn such an income in 3 to 5 years of work that I will no longer need another job.
- I'm building a business network.
- I look for people who need change, want to solve their problems, stop dreaming; I wake up their dreams and help them fulfill them.
- I do business by offering people the opportunity to do business
- We are a structural company, we work in teams.
- We are starting a huge business whose idea is applicable worldwide.
- Worldwide business concept.
- I have a world-class project, a multimillion-dollar business.
Comparison of Esity with other companies
There are companies that do not operate in countries where we do, or they do not offer online classes for children, or they do not offer classes for other client groups that we do.
There are also companies where individual learners look for individual teachers, but there is no common learning structure and teaching materials. In the case of a sick teacher the class is canceled (not with us) and there is no follow-up with the same materials when the teacher can not teach anymore.
With clients like companies and schools, our system is the best suitable and reliable option for them.
We have lots of options for any customer, classes are not canceled if a student agrees to have a supplement teacher. If the teacher can not teach anymore, the student can continue with the same materials with another teacher. Teachers are being continually trained and offered guidance.
Esity recommendation program
10 % for Marketing!
Most of the language teaching companies admit that most of their new customers come from referrals. The only difference is that we openly appreciate and pay for our referrals.

The biggest part goes to the teachers. About 50% - teaching lessons, creating lesson materials, managing teachers, etc.
Then our company - for online classrooms, recording space, accounting, back-office, human resources - hiring and managing people, website, international web portal, taxes, etc.
And the most important part - You! We dedicated 10 % of income for marketing:
- 5 % commission for direct marketing referrals - for getting new customers - 5 % from their every payment (without taxes) is for the person who registered them.
Example: You find 10 customers (sell and manage 10 online classrooms), each buys for € 160 monthly (€ 1600 monthly) - you get € 960 per year. The aim for our marketers with our upcoming web portal ready is to manage up to 500 students and get € 500 - 4 000 monthly.
- 3 % bonus for indirect marketing referrals - for creating your team of marketers, teaching them how to get new customers and managing your team
You can do this in 90 days: Only after you get at least 10 of your own Esity students (or classrooms, if there are more students in one class), you can find 5 Esity marketers - your team.
Example: Each of your 50 indirect students buys for € 160 monthly (€ 8000 monthly). You get € 2880 indirect bonus per year, plus € 960 your own commission = € 3840 per year. Just for 10 students each!
With our goal 500 students for each marketer you can earn from € 1 500 up to € 12 000 monthly according to real number of team members, students and based on real purchases made by students.
- 2 % bonus for second indirect marketing referrals - for creating leaders and managers out of your marketers' team, teaching them how to find, motivate and lead their own marketing teams.
This is where it gets interesting for business-oriented people. If you want to start your business, you are not thinking about working alone whole your life. Because in each company managers and head officers earn the most money. It's the same with our company. When you help your marketers become managers of their own teams and you lead a team of about 30 people, you can earn from € 5 000 to 40000 monthly! Now that's worth trying. And why? Because the secret to success is sharing it with someone.
So decide now, which position will suit you best. How will you spend the money?
Do the job once, get paid monthly. This applies to active marketers - because you are paid for supporting your customers and your team. That means that you get paid even if they do not need anything from you, but you are active. If you decide not to do this job anymore and somebody else starts taking care of your customers and your team, he/she deserves to be appreciated and paid for it, right?
We reserve the right to change our money management system in the future if the reality shows that it will work better other way.
Esity Business Academy
Why to attend Esity marketers' trainings and meetings?
Not the one who does a lot will come to the finish more quickly, but the one who does a LOT RIGHT. Learn from the experience of those who are already successful and use it for your own success. This strategy is proven to be the fastest way to reach your goals. This strategy is also referred to as "modeling of excellence".
Knowledge eliminates the risk and fear that prevent you from creating your well-being.
People come to Esity with fear and we will remove it by training them.
Education is essential - reading books, attending online seminars - that gives us a competitive edge
"Do you think you deserve € 10,000 a month for not being willing to change? Because you are lazy to go and learn something? Invest in the development of yourself and your business."
Esity trainings overview
Business info - Esity introduction for new marketers, earning potencial
Esity trainings - monthly training (more intensive at the beginning) about our marketing system, the system of work, action plan, soft skills, etc.
Esity mentoring meetings - weekly meeting with your team leader to talk about what was done during the previous week and what needs to be done next week, your personal development, etc.